2024-03-27People of The Fog:
Dead by Daylight Mobile will be getting a new version update on 03-28-2024 at 3:00 AM (ET). We hope to see you in The Fog.
1. New Characters released:
※ The Knight (Killer) and Vittorio Toscano (Survivor) have arrived
※ Cost: 500 Auric Cells (also available for 9,000 Iridescent Shards after maintenance on 04-11-2024.)
※ Details on Character Perks and their background stories can be viewed in-game after the update.
2. Changes to Character Upgrades
※Added special Character experience (XP) items. Use these items to add XP to specified Characters. Different items give different amounts of XP. Survivors and Killers also use different XP items.
※ Survivor XP items: [Tattered Page], [Common Page], and [Fine Page]
※ Killer XP items: [Eroded Tablet], [Common Tablet], and [Fine Tablet]
※ XP items randomly appear at the Bloodmarket and are purchasable with Bloodpoints.
※ The following items will be converted to the new XP items by a specified ratio. Once converted, the old item will be removed and restored as the following offerings with various effects.
Black Tea
Gives +10% Character experience bonus. Stackable.
Milk Tea
Gives +20% Character experience bonus. Stackable.
Burdock Tea
Gives +50% Character experience bonus. Stackable.
Lotus Leaf Tea
Gives +75% Character experience bonus. Stackable.
Blank Postcard
Gives +10% Character experience bonus to all Characters in the current match. Stackable.
Crumpled Postcard
Gives +25% Character experience bonus to all Characters in the current match. Stackable.
Stamped Postcard
Gives +50% Character experience bonus to all Characters in the current match. Stackable.
Lover's Postcard
Gives +100% Character experience bonus to all Characters in the current match. Stackable.
Wooden Chalice
Gives +10% Character experience bonus. Stackable.
Ceramic Chalice
Gives +20% Character experience bonus. Stackable.
Copper Chalice
Gives +50% Character experience bonus. Stackable.
Bloodstone Chalice
Gives +75% Character experience bonus. Stackable.
Clay Doll
Gives +10% Character experience bonus to all Characters in the current match. Stackable.
Thorn Doll
Gives +25% Character experience bonus to all Characters in the current match. Stackable.
Bone Doll
Gives +50% Character experience bonus to all Characters in the current match. Stackable.
Flesh Doll
Gives +100% Character experience bonus to all Characters in the current match. Stackable.
※ Added a new feature that lets you spend Iridescent Shards or Auric Cells to upgrade your Characters.
1. Balance adjustments
※ Changes to The Trickster
1) Reload time is changed to 3 seconds (previously 4 seconds).
2) Movement speed is changed to 4.6 m/s (previously 4.4 m/s).
3) Removed the recoil from blade throwing.
4) Laceration Meter becomes fully filled after 8 blade hits (previously 6 blade hits).
5) Laceration Meter decay delay is changed to 15 seconds (previously 10 seconds).
6) Default interval between blade throwing is changed to 0.3 seconds (previously 0.33 seconds).
7) Main Event becomes fully charged after 8 blade hits (previously 30 blade hits).
8) Main Event throw rate multiplier bonus is changed to 66% (previously 33%).
9) Duration of Main Event is changed to 6 seconds (previously 10 seconds).
10) For 0.7 seconds after activating Main Event, pressing the power button again will not deactivate Main Event.
11) Reaching a combo rank extends the duration of the next Main Event (score consecutive hits with the thrown blade to raise combo rank):
E Combo: +0.5 seconds
D Combo: +1 seconds
C Combo: +1.5 seconds
B Combo: +2 seconds
A Combo: +2.5 seconds
S Combo: +3 seconds
12) Changes to add-on [Memento Blades]: Shortens the interval between blade throws by 10%.
13) Changes to add-on [Inferno Wires]: Extends duration of Main Event by +40%.
14) Changes to add-on [Tequila Moonrock]: Extends duration of Main Event by +60%.
15) Changes to add-on [Ji-Woon's Autograph]: Extends Combo timer duration by +10 %.
16) Changes to add-on [Fizz-Spin Soda]: Extends Combo timer duration by +15%.
17) Changes to add-on [Iridescent Photocard]: Each consecutive hit with the thrown blade grants +1% Haste that stacks up to +7%. This bonus disappears if a thrown blade misses or when the Survivor enters the Injured state.
18) Changes to add-on [Death Throes Compilation]: The auras of Survivors hit during Main Event are revealed to the Killer for 6 seconds.
※Killer Perk adjustments
The Ghost Face's Perk [Furtive Chase]: When hooking the Obsession, the Killer gains Undetectable and +5% Haste for 14/16/18 seconds. When the Obsession is rescued from the Hook, their rescuer becomes the new Obsession.
※ Survivor Perk adjustments
Renato's Perk [Background Player]: When the Killer picks up another Survivor, Background Player activates for the next 10 seconds, during which you run at a sprint with 200% of normal Running Movement Speed for 5 seconds. This Perk cannot be used when Exhausted. Using this Perk inflicts the Exhausted effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
1. The Entity's Treasure Updates
※ Event time: 03-28-2024 at 3:00 AM to 04-11-2024 at 2:59 AM (ET)
※ During the event, players can test their luck to unlock from the Entity's Treasure: Gold Outfits - The Spirit's [Midnight Phantom], The Nurse's [Styx Guide]; Silver, Gold and Platinum Outfits - The Deathslinger's [Ghost Agent], and Zarina's [Private Investigator]
2. Survivor Day Events
※ Survivor Day Exclusive 50% off Survivors
※ Event period: After the update on 03-28-2024 to the eve of the next update on 04-11-2024.
※ During the event, all Survivors (other than IP characters or new characters) are free to use.
※ Survivor Day Challenge Event
※ Event time: 03-28-2024 at 3:00 AM to 04-11-2024 at 2:59 AM (ET)
During the event, a number of challenge tasks will be unlocked every day. Complete them to earn event rewards and Challenge Medals.
Earn enough Challenge Medals to claim even better rewards.
Tasks can no longer be completed once the event ends. Unclaimed rewards will be automatically sent to your inbox.
※ Survivor Day Packs
Survivor Day Discount Outfit Pack 1
Cost: 1440 Auric Cells
Contents: Felix's [Seoul Wanderer] and Claudette's [Roving Healer]
Available from 03-28-2024 at 3:00 AM to 04-11-2024 at 2:59 AM (ET)
Survivor Day Discount Outfit Pack 2
Cost: 1440 Auric Cells
Contents: Meg's [Fortune Teller] and David King's [Champion of Olympus]
Available from 03-28-2024 at 3:00 AM to 04-11-2024 at 2:59 AM (ET)
Survivor Day Speed Leveling Pack
Cost: 29 Auric Cells
Contents: Lover's Postcard x5, Flesh Doll x5, Escape! Cake x5, and Survivor Pudding x5.
Available from 03-28-2024 at 3:00 AM to 04-11-2024 at 2:59 AM (ET)
Survivor Day Victory Pack
Cost: 69 Auric Cells
Contents: White Ward x5, Midnight Mystery Box x5, Rainbow Map x5, and Ranger Med-kit x5.
Available from 03-28-2024 at 3:00 AM to 04-11-2024 at 2:59 AM (ET)
Survivor Day Super Value Pack
Cost: 3000 Auric Cells
Contents: Sinister Stone x30
Available from 03-28-2024 at 3:00 AM to 04-11-2024 at 2:59 AM (ET)
※ Free Limited Trial for All Survivor Characters
※ Event time: 03-28-2024 at 3:00 AM to 04-04-2024 at 2:59 AM (ET)
※ During the event, with the exception of exclusive IP Characters, all Survivors can be played for free.
※ Free trial Characters can only take part in Bots Mode, Quick Matches, and custom lobbies.
※ Bloodhunt
Event Period: 03-28-2024 at 10:00 AM to 04-04-2024 at 11:59 PM (UTC+8)
During the event, take part in matches with the specified Characters to earn double EXP.
Specified Characters: All Survivors.
3. Anniversary: Returning Outfits Vote
※ Event time: 03-28-2024 at 3:00 AM to 04-11-2024 at 2:59 AM (ET)
※ Results revealed: 04-01-2024 at 3:00 AM to 05-02-2024 at 2:59 AM (ET)
※ The 8 gold Outfits with the most votes will return during the anniversary event.
※ During the voting period, you will get 6 free votes per day.
4. Bloody Spin
※ Event time: 03-28-2024 at 3:00 AM to 04-04-2024 at 2:59 AM (ET)
※ Event rewards are split between the main pool and the side pool. Every time you spend a certain amount of Auric Cells, you can draw once from the side pool for 1 random reward which is then temporarily removed from the side pool.
※ The Auric Cell cost will increase with each draw.
※ If you receive the [School Medal], you'll get 1 random reward from the main pool. The next round of gacha draws will then begin.
※ Primary rewards for this event include: General Outfit [Survivor Academy], in-game emote [Thomas Flare], and the Charms [Skeletal Crow], [Demon Bat], and [Terror Spider]
※ Emotes received from draws can be swapped at the [Emote] section of the Outfit Shop.
5. New Life Support Exclusive Rebates
※ Event time: 04-01-2024 at 3:00 AM to 04-14-2024 at 2:59 AM (ET)
※ Buy now to immediately get the [Black Cat] General Charm.
※ Claim 1320 Auric Cells per day when you log into the game.
※ Cost: 9.99 USD
6. Special Bundle Updates
Terror Expansion Pack
Cost: 4500 Auric Cells
Contains: Killer-exclusive Charm [Symbol of Death], and Killer Characters: The Hag, The Doctor, The Clown, The Spirit, The Legion, The Plague, The Oni, The Deathslinger, The Blight, The Twins, and The Trickster.
Available on: 03-28-2024 at 3:00 AM (ET)
Fixes and Optimizations
1. Added matchmaking duration rewards to improve your experience during the process. The longer you wait for matchmaking, the more XP and Bloodpoints you receive at the end of the match.
2. Added an aiming joystick to the [POWER] button for The Cenobite and The Plague. Long-tap the aiming joystick to aim, and release it to fire or throw. You can switch to this new control scheme in the [SETTINGS] UI.
3. Optimized the Dream Pallet aura effect for The Nightmare's Dream World.
4. Fixed the issue where players cannot reject Healing from other players when knocked to the ground.
5. Fixed the issue where the chains can clip through walls when The Cenobite uses his power in the Lampkin Lane Map.
6. Fixed the rare issue where the Perk [Calm Spirit] cannot suppress noises or urge to scream normally.
7. Fixed the occasional issue of Thalita's abnormal facial movements.
8. Fixed the issue where power meter reduction is not displayed when The Cannibal's performs the Chainsaw Sweep.
9. Fixed the Survivor's abnormal facial movements when the Survivor is hooked by The Nightmare.
10. Fixed the issue where The Spirit cannot hear the Survivors' footsteps or loud noise notifications within a certain range when using her power.
11. Fixed the occasional issue where sound effects for a Survivor in the Hook Stage are played at the Hooks where the Survivor has already been sacrificed.